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The Limber Limbers

Phone (705)606-4141


385 High St, Collingwood, ON L9Y 5H5

Office Hours

By Appointment

About The Limber Limbers

The Limber Limbers have extensive experience in and around trees. We are continually upgrading our equipment and training to ensure we have the safest, most efficient sites.

Our latest training was Technical Tree Removal and Rigging by Aboroculture Canada, and Hazard & Danger Tree Cutting & Felling by Aboroculture Canada. These courses allowed us to brush up on our skills, and learn new innovative techniques.


Trees Felled


Stumps Ground


Large French Vanillas


Happy Clients


Our Services

We offer a variety of tree related services, including.

Tree Removal

We can safely remove your dead and diseased trees in a safe and efficent manor. We can also remove live trees to clear access and open space.

Tree Pruning

We offer a variety of pruning options including Formative Pruning, Canopy Thinning, Structural Pruning, and Deadwooding.

Wood Chipping

We can chip your brush and logs up to 12" in diameter. We can supply clean wood chips for gardens and landscaping.

Stump Grinding

We can grind your unsightly stumps and cover with clean soil ready for grass seeding.


We have the tools to access all areas of your tree to inspect and care for your tree.


We can value your trees, for your own curosity, or insurance purposes.

The Limber Limbers Activity


Frequently Asked Questions

It is a good idea to inspect trees on an annual basis. If defects are noted, you may need to keep a closer eye on some specific trees.

There are many reasons your trees may need pruning. In the early years, your tree should be pruned to ensure proper scaffold growth, and formation. During mid life, pruning can help thin and form the canopy. Later in the trees life pruning can be used to remove structural defects, and dead wood.

The cost of pruning is determined by many factors. How large is the tree to be pruned; has it been pruned regularily in the past; is there easy access for equipment; is there a lot of deadwood?.

Full Service Tree Experts.


We have years of experience in and around trees. We continually upgrade our training. Our latest training occured in November, by Arboriculture Canada.

Elijah McCaffrey

Elijah has extensive experience and is an expert in the field of rigging.

Boom truck operator

Chris is quick to identify potential risks, and can process a tree like nobodys business.


Sam has years of experience with tree pruning and removal.


Josh is experienced with lowering large logs, and organizing the felling area.


The Limber Limbers Copyright © 2023. The Limber Limbers All right reserved.